Enter food name and select from the list. Result is foods energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, sugar, salt, etc. The data source is Fineli, the National Food Composition Database from the Finnish National Board of Health and Welfare.
Salad, carrot and lingonberry, grated
Salad, carrot and orange, grated
Salad, carrot and pineapple, grated
Salad, carrot and pumpkin, grated
Salad, carrot and swede, grated
Salad, chinese cabbage and onion
Salad, chinese cabbage and pineapple
Salad, chinese cabbage, cucumber and tomato
Salad, chinese cabbage, cucumber and tomato, french dressing
Salad, chinese cabbage, cucumber and tomato, home-made french dressing
Salad, chinese cabbage, pea, sweet corn and sweet pepper
Salad, coleslaw, home-made
Salad, coleslaw, industrial
Salad, cottage cheese, pea, sweet corn and sweet pepper
Salad, cucumber slices with dill and vinegar
Salad, iceberg lettuce, carrot and zucchini
Salad, iceberg lettuce, tomato and cucumber
Salad, iceberg lettuce, tomato and cucumber, french dressing
Salad, italian salad with mayonnaise
Salad, italian salad with mayonnaise, average of industrial products
Salad, italian salad without mayonnaise
Salad, lettuce, cucumber and tomato
Salad, lettuce, cucumber and tomato, french dressing
Salad, lettuce, cucumber and tomato, home-made french dressing
Salad, mayonnaise salad, average of industrial products
Salad, mushroom salad with cooking cream
Salad, mushroom salad with cream
Salad, pasta and vegetables
Salad, pickled pumpkin
Salad, potato salad with mayonaise, average of industrial products
Salad, potato salad with mayonnaise
Salad, potato salad, olive and rapeseed oil, without mayonnaise
Salad, potato salad, onion, without mayonnaise
Salad, red cabbage and apple
Salad, red cabbage and lingonberries
Salad, red cabbage and pineapple
Salad, swede and pineapple, grated
Salad, swede and raisin, grated
Salad, swede, orange and raisin, grated
Salad, sweet pickle relish
Salad, tomato and onion
Salad, tomato, bean and onion
Salad, waldorf salad, celeriac, apple, walnut and mayonnaise
Salami, light, 15% fat
Salami, light, 22% fat
Salami, light, 9% fat
Salmon and potato casserole, low-fat milk
Salmon and rice casserole
Salmon and rice pie, butter dough
Salmon burger
Salmon cake, fried
Salmon fillet
Salmon fillet, breaded, fried
Salmon fillet, cold smoked
Salmon fillet, fried
Salmon fillet, oven-baked
Salmon fillet, pesto salmon, oven-baked
Salmon gravy with tomato
Salmon in oil, canned
Salmon pasta casserole, kokkikartano snellman, ready meal
Salmon salad, asparagus, avocado, oil-based dressing
Salmon salad, boiled eggs, orange and broccoli, oil-based dressing
Salmon soup, cooking cream
Salmon soup, cream
Salmon soup, fish stock
Salmon soup, industrial, snellman, ready meal
Salmon soup, milk based
Salmon spinach casserole, low-fat milk
Salmon vegetable casserole, processed cheese, milk
Salmon, boiled, without salt
Salmon, farmed
Salmon, salt-cured
Salmon, warm smoked
Salmon, whole
Salt stick
Salt, iodised
Salt, low sodium
Salt, rock salt, without iodine
Salted cracker, saltine cracker
Salted nut and dried fruit mix
Salty liqourice
Salty liqourice pastille
Salty liqourice pastille, unsweetened
Sanck bar with nuts, sweet
Sandwich cookie, ballerina
Sandwich relish
Sandwich, baguette, chicken and caesar dressing
Sandwich, baguette, chicken, subway
Sandwich, baguette, cold smoked salmon, egg, lettuce
Sandwich, baguette, ham, cheese, sweet pepper, lettuce
Sandwich, baguette, ham, subway
Sandwich, baguette, roast beef, multigrain baguette
Sandwich, baguette, roast beef, subway
Sandwich, baguette, salami, ham, italian bmt, subway
Sandwich, baguette, tomato, sweet pepper, cheese, lettuce, onion
Sandwich, baguette, tuna, subway
Sandwich, baguette, veggieburger, subway
Sandwich, chicken and mayonnaise
Sandwich, ham